Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to Glam up your braids?

Many people perceive the braiding styles as more casual, not sophisticated enough, etc.

So you have an important event coming up, maybe inauguration to attend or a wedding and you wonder how to Glam Up the braiding style you are rocking.

Well this wont be difficult or expensive!

Preferably your braids should head towards the back of your head where you can twist them in a ponytail and wrap them in a nice hair bun or hair dome. While you
still keep the natural look of the braids, the hair dome will add a sophistication to your style.

Domes or buns are also perfect for these occasions:
- when you are in a hurry, but want to look tidy
- when it's hot and you want to put your hair up in a ponytail but want an interesting style
- when your budget is limited but you want to look professional and tidy (buns can cost between $4.99-7.99)

Attached are some pictures and examples of hair styles achieved with the buns.
Also see celebrities who put their hair in a bun/hair dome here.